Waste Water Management

No matter who we are, where we are, and what we do, we are all dependent on water. We need it every day, in so many ways. We need it to stay healthy, we need it for growing food, for transportation, irrigation and industry. We need it for animals and plants, for changing colours and seasons. However, despite the importance of water resources in our lives and well-being, we are increasingly disrespectful of them. We abuse them. We waste them. We pollute them, forgetting how essential they are to our very survival.

According to the United Nations Development Program, more than 1 billion people, or about one in six worldwide, do not have safe drinking water and more than 2 billion lack access to adequate sanitation.

If current water usage trends continue, by the year 2025 two-thirds of the world’s population won’t have enough clean water.

The World Water Day, marked on 22 March, underscores the need for a global effort to support the widespread adoption of water reuse practices, which can be a key step toward quickly and effectively reversing the global threat of clean water scarcity.

Industrial companies located in urban areas are one of the greatest causes of water pollution. They also are large consumers of drinking water, as it is used in their processes. Because these companies use such a quantity of water, they turned to tapping of groundwater. This, in turn, contributes to the lowering level of groundwater. Although knowing that this is not a sustainable way, companies nowadays have enough money to buy water from private suppliers once their wells to groundwater have gone dry.

In the industry, water scarcity is growing. This, coupled with the rising costs of water for
industrial use, supports the recycling market in India. Industry has been motivated to adopt zero discharge technology. Although this transition is currently limited to large en medium sized companies, it is a definite indicator of the type of business opportunities that are to emerge in the short/medium term.

The ever increasing water scarcity and deterioration of water quality needed for specialised applications, along with stringent discharge norms have been the defining reasons for additional thrust in the water and wastewater segment. Thermax is well positioned to leverage on the available opportunities in the public sector water and waste solutions space.

Thermax was the first in India to:
•Develop new biological processes for waste water treatment
•Recycle Industrial Waste Water through membrane process
•Build Sea Water RO Plant on a large scale
•Recover metal salts and purify acids from waste water
•Treat Bio-Medical Waste and recover heat

Having served the water and wastewater market for over three decades, Thermax has all the prerequisites to provide sustainable solutions to select municipal corporations. Thermax today is well equipped with a range of technology solutions for sewage treatment, water recycle, sea water desalination, and waste to energy applications.

In July 2009, Thermax Limited signed technology agreements with two global leaders, viz., GE Water, USA and Wehrle Umwelt GmbH, Germany for advanced wastewater treatment.

Under the first agreement, GE’s ultrafiltration and membrane bioreactor (MBR) technology will be utilised by Thermax for wastewater treatment, reuse and process water in India’s commercial and institutional sectors. It is estimated that the need for advanced wastewater treatment for India’s commercial and institutional sectors is expanding more than 50% per year. This demand is driven by new regulations related to recycling of wastewater. As this technology application is in its infancy, there is also a huge potential for the use of MBR in treating municipal wastewater for recycling, reuse and discharge.

The second agreement provides for the distribution of GE’s reverse osmosis (RO) membranes to customers in India for water and wastewater treatment applications. Industries are now adoption membrane-based solutions for water treatment. With its strong regional reach, Thermax will expand the film composite, spiral-wound RO element manufacturing facility at Hoskote, Bangalore to support India’s growing requirements.

Thermax Limited and Wehrle Umwelt GmbH, Germany, have signed a technology agreement for treatment of hard-to-treat industrial effluents, which are “highly loaded” in terms of biological and chemical oxygen demand (BOD and COD) in water bodies.

The technology tie up will address pharmaceutical and bulk drug manufacturers, dyes and pigments, chemical, pulp and paper, and distilleries. Increasing shortage of water and rising pollution in water bodies have made treatment and recycle of effluent a viable option for industries. The agreement will provide them advanced membrane based waste water treatment technologies to treat the effluent, before being discharge or reused.

Clean water is an essential ingredient to economic growth and development – and investing in water and sanitation has high economic and social returns.

There is an urgent need to step up research, monitoring and assessing of water quality at global, regional and local levels. Scientific findings from research should inform sound policy formation and implementation. Furthermore sufficiently funded and manned regulatory functions are required to ensure compliance with and enforcement of rules and regulations.

Water quality impacts every one of us, and our lifestyles impact the quality of our water.

Vendor Risk Management

Vendor risk management is now a very important concept that needs meticulous planning. It is a necessity and also a policy that many companies are following for greater efficiency and profit.
There are many Third party vendors or direct company vendors are present in many industries including software, hardware etc. Today it is an integral part of business to manage information and knowledge, as it is the most important asset of an organization. Information security, legal documentation, trademarks, patents, copyright are some traditional and newly evolved concepts. Starting from design to concept today all can be patented or protected by legal documentation.
Today companies assess the brand value, customer information, internal customer satisfaction report, past and present client information before handing over non public information to vendors, like credit card details, bank information, even address phone numbers in mailing and calling lists, (PCI DSS Requirement 12.8 similarly requires covered entities to maintain a list of service providers with whom card holder data is shared.) To back up the institution’s vendor risk assessments in conversations with regulators and auditors, it is also helpful to keep handy files containing due diligence and audit reports on the vendors or summaries of such reports.

Vendor risk management is the process organizations analyze not only from the point of view of past experience but also in case to case basis that can be particular to the partnership. This is particularly important for companies that relates to data sharing and the outsourcing of business functions and processing. Vendor risk management is a standard practice today and has matured to an extent where some leading financial industry groups such as BITS have standardized the process significantly through their Standard Information Gathering (SIG) and Agreed upon Procedures (AUP) standards. The use of these standards or their derivatives helps organizations quantify the risk that may be involved with their vendors and then incorporate appropriate risk lessening techniques and measures to alleviate the risk.
Vendor risk management process helps organizations to operate in a mutually secured environment that encircles security of organizations information, customer data and also third party vendor’s operational security. It does not eliminate but certainly minimize security concerns involved in third party production of good and services, processing of information and handling data and process. This also enables the third party vendors to draw border line for their employees on basis of certain legal or agreed points within which they have to deliver and work. So it is mutually benefiting the principle organization and the vendor creating a secured platform of operation where both can deliver excellent product or service to their customers or interest groups.

What do You Know About Management

Management is completely different from leadership but just as important. To perceive the nature of management, we tend to need to be clear how it differs from leadership. The primary step in answering the query: “What do you know about management?” is to understand the fundamental tasks of all organizations. Like every other species, an organization wants to require care of its immediate business of survival but it additionally has to evolve to ensure its fitness to deal with changes in the surroundings and therefore the actions of competing species.

Management is that the function that organizes the execution of these days’s business. Leadership is that the evolutionary mechanism that changes organizations to prosper in tomorrow’s world. Whenever a species or individual animal runs into obstacles, variations occur and new forms are selected from those variations. Leadership could be a risk taking type of action that explores new frontiers and promotes new ways that of behaving. It follows that, in an exceedingly stable setting, smart management is all that is needed to prosper; leadership during this context is not required.

This portrayal isn’t the popular one where leadership means that being the top dog in an exceedingly group irrespective of what’s occurring within the environment. Additionally, management has been cast on the rubbish heap since the late 1970’s following the initial wave of Japanese business success in the West. We needed a scapegoat for our failure to compete with the Japanese, and management was fingered for this role. Jack Welsh, Tom Peters and different gurus known as for additional leadership and an end to management, that they saw as stifling innovation. The fact was that a lack of competition created a complacent perspective AND lackluster management. It was the manner management was practiced that was the problem, not anything to do with management as a function. We have a tendency to merely needed to upgrade management for a new reality.

Being hierarchical by nature and inclined to worship heroes, we tend to tend to treat the person in charge of our cluster as a leader. However complexity demands specialization and executives want to perform multiple roles that rely on the distinctive demands of their situation. If their main perform is to maintain quality, low cost and good client service whereas motivating employees to perform to their potential, then they are performing the management perform, not showing leadership.

Management is like investment. Managers have resources to invest – their own time and talent furthermore human and money resources. The goal or function of management is to get the most effective come on those resources by obtaining things done efficiently. This does not entail being mechanical. The manager’s vogue may be a contextual issue. With highly skilled and self-motivated information employees, the manager can be terribly empowering. Where the workforce is less skilled or motivated, the manager could want to watch output more closely. By saying that management could be a operate, not a type of person or role, we have a tendency to higher account for self-managed work teams where no one is in charge. Managemenet merely makes the most effective use of all resources even once we manage ourselves. Hence management does not essentially entail a dictatorial, controlling overseer. Skilled managers apprehend how to educate and encourage diverse employees. Getting things done through people is what they do.

The aim of management is to deliver results value effectively per customer expectations and profitably, within the case of economic organizations. It is not only leaders who will be inspiring. Inspiring leaders move us to vary direction while inspiring managers encourage us to figure harder.
Management could be a important operate because of the complexity of recent organizational life.

The need to coordinate the input of thus many numerous stakeholders, consultants and customers requires huge patience and highly developed facilitative skills. Excellent managers understand the way to bring the correct folks together and, by asking the correct queries, draw the best solutions out of them. To facilitate well needs managers to work very closely with all relevant stakeholders. By distinction, the leader can be a bit of an outsider. Like Martin Luther King, Jr. promoting desegregation on buses to the U.S. government from the sidelines, the leader can induce people to alter even with no direct involvement or authority over the folks who are needed to take the hoped for action.

Managers do not simply keep ongoing operations ticking over. They also manage advanced projects like making a modern movie or putting the primary man on the moon. Leadership is only needed to sell the tickets for the journey or to resell it periodically if resistance develops, however management drives the bus to the destination.

I am Alina Walace, professional content writer for management articles. I have written many articles on ISO 9001 QMS. I preferred iso 14001 for Environment Management System. I also provide ohsas 18001 training for Occupation, Health and Safety Management System.

Vietnam Municipal Waste Management Market Expecting a Boom Time Ahead

According to our recent research offering “Vietnam Solid Waste Market Analysis”, rapid economic growth coupled with fast urbanization during the last decade in Vietnam has pushed municipal solid waste management at the forefront of environmental challenges. The country needs to develop its solid waste management infrastructure in an efficient way to continue its industrial growth to remain intact in coming years. The government has acknowledged the seriousness of the issue and is striving hard to make municipal solid waste management much more efficient. Highlighting the market attractiveness, the report further revealed that, the market will grow at a CAGR of 11.2% during the next 3 years, which will act as a catalyst for huge private sector participation in the country.

The study identified that, during the forecast period (2011-2014), the country is anticipated to post one of the fastest growths rates in solid waste generation in the South East Asian region. Rising affluence in urban areas along with increasing population, which is expected to reach 100 Million during the next 25 years, will prove decisive for dynamic market expansion and call for additional market players to manage the overflowing market demand.

Besides, the waste collection and treatment costs are expected to continuously grow as the share of non-degradable solid wastes, like plastic, glass etc. will increase in future, which will further demand increasing investments for treatment. The government has approved the waste management strategy outlining specific plans to 2025, which will further relax the investment climate in the sector and encourage public-private co-operation in the country.

Our report “Vietnam Solid Waste Market Analysis” has been authored to evaluate the current and future market potentials of Vietnam’s solid waste management market. It provides historical, current, and future trends of solid waste generation along with potential market for all the three prominent sectors – Municipal, Industrial, and Rural sectors. Additionally, thorough analysis of emerging industry trends and drivers has been covered to provide a balanced research outlook of the concerned market.

For FREE SAMPLE of this report visit: http://www.rncos.com/Report/IM273.htm

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About RNCOS:

RNCOS specializes in Industry intelligence and creative solutions for contemporary business segments. Our professionals study and analyze the industry and its various components, with comprehensive study of the changing market behavior. Our accuracy and data precision proves beneficial in terms of pricing and time management that assist the consultants in meeting their objectives in a cost-effective and timely manner.

Twitter Management Tool TweetSpinner

TweetSpinner can help large and small businesses and users generally increase their twitter productivity.

We offer a powerful suite of features commonly found in enterprise solutions for other media, including profile rotation, DM anti-spam and archiving, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), rules-based messaging, scheduling, and more.

2- Direct Message Inbox Anti Spam cleanup and archiving

If you didn’t have anti-spam software for your personal email your inbox would be almost impossible. Twitter’s equivalent to personal email is their Direct Message or DM system and has no such protection, many users avoid this often spam plagued area.

Tweet Spinner allows automated sophisticated anti spam rules to keep your DM inbox free of Spam. And when your DM inbox is too big to manage, you can archive all your messages from Twitter to our databases.

3- Schedule a rotation of your profiles and designs

Twitter gives you only a small sandbox to play. A tiny bio. One URL. Some design colors, and your profile image and background graphic.

TweetSpinner allows you to create many profiles and schedule their upload every hour or every day or whenever you would like. This helps you to maximize these special tools by giving your followers more information.

Rotate Background images, your profile url and colors and much more.

4- Customer Relationship Management Tool – More meaningful following

Tweet Spinner is decidedly not a “get-followers-fast” application and we are firmly against “follower churn”. There is no point in having lots of people following you if they are not interested in what you do. Instead we bring customer relationship management tools to Twitter, helping you find and actually speak to your customers effectively.

We do this through a sophisticated analysis of candidate users allowing you to actually create and customize a number of filters to

Locate customers by location, allowing you to target certain users in different areas of the world.

Avoid spammers. Our configurable rules help you to bypass people who are tweeting too many urls and who never replay and have too few friends whose accounts are very new and who tweet too frequently, and other common Spam like stuff.

View friend-follower Overlaps with your competitors and in conjunction with multiple configurable filters – mimic follow a subset of them.

Create and configure immunity and your no follow lists by both usernames and word fragments, to never follow spam accounts or purge your most loyal customers.

Automatic analysis of the Tweet Stream of each Twitter user this will help avoid Spam Accounts, those who always tweet URLs or never engage in @replies.

Conduct Instant Market-Research with reciprocity scores and pie charts, which reveal keywords and other triggers that result in the most customer response.

As with everything, you can always review and refine because we keep exhaustive data of every action you take through our application.

5- Schedulable Campaigns – Rules based Tweets and DMs

Any effective Twitterer dedicate most of their time to individually replying and engaging in conversation with their customers. However, in today’s 24-hour 7-days-a-week world, it’s not always possible to keep

As such, TweetSpinner offers the ability to schedule rules-based tweets and direct messages. Much like you can configure your email client to automatically respond to common customer enquiries, we offer a simple programmatic interface to create, schedule, and personalize tweets and DMs. This ability to create rich, interactive campaigns can markedly supplement your hands-on Twitter communication. TweetSpinner

What is the Difference Between 5S and Visual Management

Visual Management is often lumped together with 5S, and visual standardization is certainly and important part of an effective 5S system. Does this mean the terms should be used interchangeably? Certainly there is a difference; otherwise we would not have different names for these systems. Let’s go over each of these Lean concepts to see where they overlap and where they don’t. This should give you a bigger perspective of Lean management, the principle of Kaizen, and the value of visualization.


This is such a well-known system, that many non-Lean organizations use this method on its own (or at least they think they are using it). 5S stands for: Sort, Set-in-Order (Straighten), Shine (Sweep), Standardize, and Sustain. Far from a list of steps or a list of mottos, these S’s form a cohesive system of action, improvement and problem solving. As you can see, none of the S’s stand for visualization, and yet all of them require it to some extent. So, what is 5S Visual Management? 5S Red Tags are one of the most well-know visual management tools. These tags are used during the sort phase to identify and categorize unnecessary items. Beyond this first phase, Visual Management is used to define proper storage positions, create a baseline for cleanliness, communicate standards, and encourage continuous improvement and problem solving. Visual Management ties it all together.

Visual Management

We’ve just seen how Visual Management impacts every part of the 5S process, but its’ scope is much larger. Visual cues like color coding, sequencing, and spacing have a huge impact on any process. Equally important is the use of visual displays to communicate key metrics that are used to identify areas for improvement, measure results, and manage daily workflow. Although 5S Visual Management is a great way to get started, you must also consider Lean Visual Management, and Kaizen Visual Management if you want your efforts to affect all parts of the organization.

Remember that, while these techniques originated on manufacturing floors, their application can benefit any kind of work and any kind of workplace. Offices, schools, and healthcare providers are now discovering these techniques like never before; so are software developers and online startups. Soon it will all be common sense. You can’t be left behind and you also don’t want progress to stagnate, so get onboard and start continuously improving your system.

A Lean organization can be recognized at a glance through 5S Visual Management , but this is not just a matter of appearances. All those colors, lines, and u-shaped cells serve a very practical purpose.

What Is Erp

ERP or Enterprise Resource Planning is a term used in conjunction with Enterprise Resource Planning software which is designed to manage all the functions and information of a company or business from shared data stores.
An Enterprise Resource Planning system has modular software and hardware services and units that communicate on a LAN. The modular plan enables a business to reconfigure or add modules (maybe from various vendors) while maintaining data integrity in 1 shared database that can be distributed or centralized.
Summary of ERP solutions
Some organizations, usually those with enough in house Information Technology skills to integrate numerous software merchandises, select to implement only parts of an Enterprise Resource Planning system and make an outer interface to other stand-alone or ERP systems for their application needs. For instance, one can select to utilize human resource management system from a vendor, and do the integration amid the systems themselves.
This is familiar to retailers, where a middle sized vendor will have a distinct POS or Point of Sale product and monetary application, then a lot of modified applications to manage business necessities such as staff rostering, warehouse management, logistics and merchandising.

Ideally, Enterprise Resource Planning gives a single database that has all data for the different software modules that address areas like:
Engineering, scheduling, bills of material, workflow management, capacity, quality control, manufacturing process, manufacturing flow, manufacturing projects, and cost management
Supply chain management
Order entry, order to cash, inventory, product configuration, purchasing, supply chain planning, inspection of goods, supplier scheduling, commission calculation, and claim processing
Cash management, general ledger, fixed assets, accounts receivable and accounts payable
Project management
Costing, expense and time, billing, performance units, and activity management
Human resources
Human resources, training, payroll, rostering, time and attendance, and benefits
Customer relationship management
Sales and marketing, service, commissions, call center and customer contact support
Data services
Different “self-service” interfaces for suppliers, customers, and employees

Access control
Management of user opportunities for various procedures

For more articles about WhatIsERP you can learn more on Web ERP all about.

What Your Company Can Get from Storm Water Management

If you think that your company’s efforts of saving paper and electricity are enough to contribute to the environment, think again. If you really wish to contribute to the environment, you must employ storm water best management practices (BMP). The storm water bmp are ways of keeping storm water away from natural bodies of water. This separation is necessary, since storm water usually has a significant amount of pollutants mixed with it. If it mixes with a natural body of water, marine life in that body of water can be greatly affected.

Purchasing and setting up a storm water bmp is very expensive, but do not be discouraged by the price. Just focus on what good it can bring to your company. Storm water bmp can save your company money and give your company a good reputation.

Company Savings

Due to this decade’s growing concern for the environment, the government has established laws that deal with storm water management. Companies and households are required to contribute to the restoration of the United States’ natural bodies of water. Should you refuse to do your part, your company will be sued. Aside from paying penalty fees, your company will also be responsible for the clean-up in case something goes awry.

Aside from the government, many non-government groups are strict about corporate social responsibilities. If your company dumps its storm water to the community’s lake, you will suffer a long period of lawsuits and negative publicity. All your company’s profits shall go to court settlements, lake cleaning and media censorship.

Good Reputation

Due to the demand for corporate social responsibility, consumers tend to value companies that are concerned about the community that they are in. By adapting stormwater BMP, you are taking a big leap in community protection, which builds your company’s good reputation.

If you think that your company’s products and services are good enough to establish a reputation, you are wrong. Many consumers are inclined to environmental protection. You will have to build stormwater BMPs systems to please green thumbs to continue succeeding in business.

Aside from saving money and building a reputation, employing stormwater BMPs makes your company a life saver. Not only are you protecting the lives in the community, you are also saving aquatic life and the entire planet itself.

What You Mean By Partner Portal

Businesses and organizations nowadays don’t have a alternative but to invest in successful channel management strategies. Channel management works generally on gratifying the requirements of your channel partners and also establishing partner loyalty. Most of channel management methods have a number of vital things of which need to be in place before the system can be efficiently executed.Well designed partner portals are very needed for successful channel management.

What are partner portals?

They’re web software which will help organizations to work together and also communicate successfully with their channel partners. Partner portals enable organizations to control and also develop their channel partner relationships in the most beneficial manner. While in the early stages, businesses interactions with their channel partners were managed by way of faxes, message or calls, e-mails and other means.

When these somewhat older techniques of channel partner management were really beneficial, they did not ensure speedy or correct outcome. However, with the growing popularity of partner portals, organizations are now able to work and also connect with partners and also assure that they deliver the best possible performance.

Top points for making use of partner portals

Advancements in the business method

Your channel partners have to give their authorized sign in credentials to have full access to the web app and also the taking advantage of its various gains. The partner portal presents important details regarding offer registrations, reseller plans, connections, leads, support and also many other resources which channel partners will need to work effectively.

Greater partner loyalty

Basically getting good channel partners isn’t enough. A business which doesn’t consistently make an effort toward better partner management may ultimately find that channel partners working with lower productivity. Simply by maintaining a well-designed and also properly managed partner portal, parent organizations will sustain partner loyalty and also boost partner satisfaction.

Improved transparency, far better results

Your partner portal works in a real time environment to assist your channel partners and also helps improved transparency among the parent company and also its partners. This provides organizations to identify trouble spots and also identify which channel partners will be the company’s real assets. The procedure of channel management hence becomes less difficult and also boosts the parent’s company’s productiveness and also performance.

Preventing channel conflict

An organization that needs to control its channel distribution network efficiently needs a clean view of the ventures being performed by its channel partners. The entire channel network may possibly be harmed if this does not take place. As stated before, partner portals increase better transparency between companies and channel partners, hence making it simple to recognize partner efficiency, behavior and also needs. A lot of channel conflict is thus avoided.

In the final examination, organizations would prefer to establish partner portals as a result of entire range of solutions they provide.

About Author

Maria Contreras has a thorough knowledge on topics like channel marketing, partner portal, channel management and much more. She also offers consultancy services to many reputed channel management companies. She drives her mind behind creating some of most sales driven partner loyalty programs for marketing firms.

What’s the difference between CAT, MAT & CMAT

With higher education becoming exceptionally competitive in India these days, higher education boards and institutions have opted for a more stringent policy towards college entrance examinations. Management studies have bee the latest sensation of the generation, with millions of students applying for management entrance examinations every year, with an aspiration of getting admissions to the top management colleges and B-schools in India. However, there often occur certain misunderstandings regarding the most prestigious management entrance examinations in India. As such, it is important to understand what the difference is between CAT 2012, CMAT 2012, and MAT 2012.

CAT 2012, also known as Common Admission Test, is one of the most prestigious, all-India level management entrance examinations, conducted by Indian Institutes of Management. Based on the CAT percentile, the successful candidates are eligible to appear for the next level of selection procedure, which includes Essay, Group Discussion and Personal Interview. The candidates, who become successful in all the steps of selection procedures, are eligible to get admission in nay of the top 5 IIMs. From 2009 onwards, CAT has been conducted online as a Computer Based Test, with a total of 60 multiple choice questions to be attempted in time duration of 2 hours and 15 minutes, exclusive of a 15 minutes tutorial. The core sections of CAT examination include Logical Reasoning, Data Interpretation, Quantitative Aptitude, and Verbal Ability.

CMAT 2012 is also a national level management entrance examination, conducted by All India Council for Technical Education, with the aim of selecting the most eligible students for admission in 4,000 colleges offering a degree in MBA, and 500 colleges offering postgraduate diploma in management program. The eligibility criterion for CMAT is minimum 50% in graduation. Final year students of graduate courses can also apply. CMAT consist of total 100 multiple choice questions, with total marks of 400 and time duration of 180 minutes approx. There are four sections, including logical reasoning, quantitative techniques and data interpretation, general awareness, and language comprehension.

MAT 2012 or Management Aptitude Test is conducted every year by All India Management Association, and is approved by Ministry of HRD as a national entrance test. The examination pattern and syllabus for MAT is almost similar to CAT and CMAT.

All management entrance tests are vital, and it is imperative that you prepare hard for CAT 2012, MAT 2012, and CMAT 2012 in the best possible manner to earn a competitive edge over others.

Manish Gupta is Well known Author has written article on MBA, CAT, MAT, CMAT and other MBA Entrance Exams.

Related Articles – CAT 2012, MAT 2012, CMAT 2012,

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